Utility Services
With over 35 years of direct and consulting work in this field, our principal, Mark J. James delivers best-in-class services to the utility sector. Mark is supported by our economic development research services and Hickey Global’s affiliation with the largest site location firm in the world.
According to Mark, utilities are engaged in economic and community development for several reasons. These include revenue generation, community involvement, rate case support, business attraction and retention, and corporate reputational support. In our experience, the most successful programs understand what the C-suite views as the most important role(s) and align these priorities with strong reporting and metrics.
Having spent time both leading a utility program and consulting with many, to the right are a few of the subject areas utilities have asked for assistance.
Business sector targeted marketing
Programs of work review(internal, stakeholders, allies)
Benchmarking & competitive analysis
Cluster studies
Organizational assessment
Strategy development
Research tools and capacity assessment
Incentives and rate design
Electrification strategies
Online communication strategies
Web site review and analysis
Ongoing consultation and support.